Steam Controller Review.

To be truly honest here, most controllers I use are good for me, especially my Pro Controller, playing games like Sonic Generations is pretty much the best thing to play on a controller (listen okay I used to play on keyboard I can't POSSIBLY go back to that.) There are tons of things you can do with a controller. You can customize it, give it a skin, or just completely change the style of it, depends on your specific controller though. Although there was one thing that was a problem with controllers. First-person shooters, nothing can beat an ordinary keyboard and mouse, absolutely nothing can.

But what if you wanted a controller that specifically wasn't made to replace your keyboard and mouse, but was made with keyboard and mouse in mind. Well that's where the Steam Controller comes in. I'm going to be honest here when I say this, it's literally the best controller I've ever had in my whole entire existence. It's so close to being the perfect controller for me. So close.

The main thing I absolutely love about this controller is the customizability, you can customize it to almost all of your needs, it's just that customizable. Nonetheless, I think this is a really good controller, currently I got it from the $5 sale they had, but if you're one of the people that hasn't touched your Steam Controller yet, please do, it's a good controller that was kind of.. overlooked by Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft. This controller has TONS of potential for almost any game you want it to be. I wouldn't say it's perfect, but it's 99.9% close to being the absolute perfect controller for keyboard and mouse, and also First Person games, but enough praising of the controller. Let's talk about my personal experience with the controller.

Personal Experiences

When I first got this controller, I was so surprised at how weird it felt and looked, I was thinking "I'm never going to get used to this thing" and I always thought of that for this controller. Again, I got this from the $5 sale so it was pretty cheap, if you don't count shipping and tax of course. But nonetheless, I tried playing Minecraft on this. Which I would like to remind you, if you want a game to start with the Steam Controller, Portal 2 is your best friend, it has just the right settings for this controller, so I recommend buying or picking up the game again for this specific controller, and I did buy the game for this controller exactly but it was all good.